Monday, September 20, 2010

1. Post a screenshot of your storyboard. [2 pts]

2. State the TOPIC your team chose and TELL WHY you, as a group, decided to explore it. [3 pts] Our team chose the topic lunch. We decided to choose lunch because everyone eats lunch every day. Also, lunch has certain procedures and traditions here at Notre Dame that freshmen need to be aware of.

3. What different images did you include in your storyboard & why did you chose them. [3 pts.] We included images of food, people, and online clip arts. We used images of food because that is what lunch is all about: food. We included pictures of people to show where our quotes were coming from. We included clip art images to help convey simple ideas and to give the reader something to look at.

4. What tools of collaboration helped you succeed as a team?  [2 pts.]

We used the tools of communication. We listened to each other well, and we used emails to send each other important information. We also used Google documents which greatly helped with our success. We all were able to edit the same PowerPoint at the same time.

5. Describe HOW storyboarding helped you develop the idea for your movie.  [10 pts.]

Storyboarding helped develop the idea for our movie by putting our vague ideas on paper and by making them more of a reality. We were able to plan out what we were going to do and how we were going to do it. It got us organized and made sure that we all had the same general idea. Also, our storyboard enabled us to easily show the class what we were going to do, and it allowed the class to give us constructive criticism.

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